Network Marketing Internet Business workwithrobertdorsey.com Building a Successful Network Marketing Internet Business Network marketing internet business has brought a whole new face to the network marketing industry. Network marketing used to be a face-to-face business, where people hired people they knew personally into their teams and down-lines and, like for example Mary Kay, everything was close up and personal. Distributors would invite people into their houses for make-up demonstrations and that was a very social and personal affair. Network marketing Internet businesses have, on the face of it, taken away that personal contact aspect. This is the main reason why some network marketers are failing on the internet. The brilliant thing is you can reach an audience of millions online. Old-fashioned network marketing businesses were very limited, and new network marketers who don’t get this personalized way of selling are failing. So many new network marketers haven’t dealt with people in face to face, one on one, situations, and consequently they do not understand the idea of attraction marketing. But it is so easy! It is the same principle; you like me, you buy from me. Network Marketing Internet Business — Attraction Marketing So what is the concept of attraction network marketing on the internet? Basically you set out to help people. The Internet remains the info road and that is what most people are searching for when they go online, information. They’re usually …