Burrito Bison being played by a python bot. *Note: The shell output and the video don’t line up. I had to record them separately since the code forces focus onto the game which hides the interpreter. So its output is responding to a different run * **For those testing out the code, you’ll need to make sure you have Python Imaging library (www.pythonware.com and PyWin (sourceforge.net installed. Make sure to set your environment PATH to include the pywin directory otherwise you’ll still get the import error. Speed running (slowly) with Python. It finishes it run in just over 1 hour and 20 minutes. It’s severely edited down because watching a computer play a videogame is about as exciting as watching a human. Small practice program for controlling things onscreen. Pretty clunky, but it will play beginning to end with no problems. Code and notes on github (github.com It responds to police and bubble gummies… just not very often. The bison has to be traveling pretty slow in order to ‘see’ them. It responds fairly we’ll to special events such as the pogo stick and glider (all it has to do is see it and then click). There are TONS of things to fix, but it’s good enough for now.