How to repair iPhone WiFi in the Oven (or, How to Reflow the PCB). I fixed my iPhone wifi problem by following these steps: www.iphonetiquicia.com The oven trick fixed my iPhone by reflowing the solder joints in my motherboard. *BUT* I was very careful and I did thorough trouble shooting first. I also have experience breaking down iPhones. Other guys with the same experience have tried this and it didn’t work for them. So be cautious, read everything, comment, then once you’re sure you can try the fix. I have recorded both successful and unsuccessful repairs at the bottom of this video text. iPhone PCB Cooking Directions: 1) Preheat oven to 385F (196C) 2) Bake PCB (motherboard) for 7 minutes 3) Cool on the rack for 1 hour. But before you try this fix confirm you actually have a hardware problem by starting with the Apple Trouble Shooting Guides support.apple.com , and support.apple.com If after reading those guides Apple tells you to view their Service FAQ it means your prospects of a software fix have become very slim; most likely you are dealing with a hardware problem. In my case my wifi was very intermittent. My iPhone would find the network then immediately drop it. I would enter the correct password for the network and my iPhone would keep asking me to re-enter. I followed the Apple Trouble Shooting guides and everything was pointing me toward taking my out-of-warranty iPhone 3G to the Apple Retail Store for service. After performing the fix in this video my wifi …