Click on the ads. Simple way to make your iTunes recognise your iPod-iPhone if your having problems. If anyone is having any other problems like this please comment them and i will attempt to solve them for you. -Plug your iPod in. -Go to the Start Menu, and search ‘devmgmt.msc’. -Select ‘devmgmt’. -Click ‘Potable Decives’ and right click ‘Apple iPod’ (iPod must be plugged in to be available for selection). -Select ‘Browse my computer for driver software’ -A window with a search bar should open. In the search bar, type ‘C:Program FilesCommon FilesAppleMobile Device SupportDrivers’ -Click ‘Next’. -A window should appear telling you that you already have the best driver software. This is because the software is installed after clicking ‘browse my computer for driver software’, the ‘best driver software is installed’. -If the notice appears saying ‘The Apple Mobile Device Service is not started’. Go to the Start Menu and search ‘Apple Mobile Device Service’ then start it. Please Like&Subscribe. Thanks for watching.