CHECK OUT THE ARTICLE OF THIS TUTORIAL FOR MORE-IN-DEPTH INFO AND 3 MORE PROGRAMS IN THE LIST!- computersight.com Netbooks are a popular topic these days. They are portable,light-weight and still able to do our daily tasks on regular computers. The only problem is that running high-end programs like Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office,iTunes,Internet Explorer and other programs similar can use up the memory easily and make the netbook slow. Well, here are 15 alternatives that are lightweight, free and still do the same features as other paid-programs. These programs should your netbook get running well. In this tutorial, i’ll be using a Samsung N150 netbook, with all of these 15 programs installed Here are the links to all of the programs – 360Desktop – www.360desktop.com FoxIt Reader – www.foxitsoftware.com Game Booster – www.iobit.com GIMP – www.gimp.org Google Chrome – www.google.com Digsby – www.digsby.com VLC Media Player – www.videolan.org WinRAR – www.rarlab.com CCleaner – www.piriform.com DropBox – www.dropbox.com Revo Uninstaller – www.revouninstaller.com RocketDock – rocketdock.com OpenOffice – www.openoffice.org Check out the article for 3 more programs included and another one coming soon! ENJOY!