This video is produced by IITian S.Saurabh. He is B.Tech from IIT and MS from USA. Given a NXN maze, find a path from top left cell to bottom right cell given that you can only move in cells for which M[i][j] = 1 you can make horizontal and vertical moves in the maze but no diagonal move. This channel is an ultimate guide to prepare for job interviews for software engineers, software test engineers, computer scientists, engineering students specially computer science and IT engineers, Master of computer application (MCA) and Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) students. The content of this channel will help students prepare for C,C++, Java, data structures and algorithms. It also covers courses related to networking and database. This channel can be used by students of NIIT, IGNOU etc too. Note: A small correction, I have given code which tries to search path by moving to right cell or bottom cell, but you can to more lines to move left and up also to search path in those direction.
See more here:
Programming Interviews: Find Path in NXN Maze (Backtracking problem)