Make sure you find out what your internet download limit is before you go crazy XD I have slower speed internet at about 2-6 MB/s Downstream and 400-800 KB/s Upstream: But at the same time, my internet download limit is literally unlimited. I am with ACN (phone/internet) and I would neither recommend or deter you from using ACN. It’s really cheap as they use Bell lines and don’t really advertise, but they have slow/limited tech support if you are having issues. They’ll eventually send a Bell guy to your house if you are having major problems; but this can take a long while. And you could be without internet/phone/ect for a week give or take. But most problems can be fixed quick and easy by either turning your modem off for 30 seconds and back on again or resetting your modem. We could pay for faster internet from them (still unlimited), but poorness switch has been enabled… o_o TuTorial TuT How To Walkthrough Guide By un4geTTableTuT
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