0:25 MLM Prospecting | How To Find Your Target Market 1:53 MLM Prospecting | How To Find Your Target Market 3:33 MLM Prospecting | How To Find Your Target Market You’ve decided to start your own home based business….yay! You join the company and make your list. You start calling everyone on your list. A few join your business and you sell some products. A month later you’ve gone through your list and now have no one to call. What happens next? You get frustrated and decide you can’t afford the autoship…so you quit. This scenario plays out over and over again everyday in the MLM industry. What’s the problem? Is the industry flawed? No it ‘s not. There are thousands of people earning 6 figures a year in the mlm industry. The problem is lack of leads and the training you need to find and convert your leads. This video is about mlm prospecting | how to find your target market. When I started mlm prospecting I had no clue. I went to Wal Mart and stalked people down the aisle. Sometimes I worked up enough nerve to actually go up to them and try to start a conversation. I even bought fake $$ bills and dropped them in Wal Mart and put them in the credit card slot at the gas station when I filled up my car. How humiliating…but these are the things your upline will tell you to do for mlm prospecting. I knew there had to be a better way so I started searching around and I found out there was a better way. MLM prospecting doesn’t have to be …
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MLM Prospecting | How To Find Your Target Market