I had the ejecting problem since my magnet was off, but fixed it by gluing it back. After I fixed it, the laser kept hitting the disc which made that grinding noise. Now created this video since I haven’t seen this fix on youtube. Its very simple, easy to do and works very well. I have seen all kinds of different methods and tried them all but this actually fixes it permanently. Let me know if it worked for you… Cheers !
Posts Tagged ‘ noise ’
Fix for Wii DVD drive rattle noise and related disc read error
This is a fix for noisy Wii DVD drives, and the reason for the noise as well…. note that this will also fix disc reading errors, caused by this vibration. i tried diffrent methods shown here on youtube, but none worked for me, so i observed my noise making wii and found my problem 🙂 like you see in the video, there are two metal tabs in the front of the drive opening that prevent you from inserting a disc when one is already in. but theses tabs are not super strong and can be easely bent when someone (kids or electronics noob) really wants to put a game in without checking first if one is already inside. that will result in bending the tabs. and theses tabs will then rub against the disc in the console, making the irritating noise and DRE. i hope this helps you, post a comment if it did, thanks 🙂