Swedish minecraft tutorial: www.youtube.com My how to make a minecraft server playlist: www.youtube.com My WEBSITE: adrianisentech.blogspot.com YouTube Main Channel: www.youtube.com YouTube 2nd GAME Channel: www.youtube.com Third Viral Video Channel: www.youtube.com Twitter: twitter.com Subscribe for more videos! Thanks. 🙂 Links: Source: www.filehippo.com ci.bukkit.org @echo off java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui pause Mirror bukkit 428: uploadmirrors.com Download the 2 files I used in video here: uploadmirrors.com REMEMBER: How to creat a .BAT file ——————————– First creat a new text doc. in the directory of your file, then type the thnig in and go to file save as and at the end of the name type .bat at the end. when changing name of the jar you must change the name in the text document you put in for the start server”{@echo off java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui pause}-should have been {@echo off java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui pause} PROBLEMS: Java problem? “I was having the same problem as you afrosargent, what daedal was trying to get at is that the “start server.bat” for the minecraft server is looking for java in the wrong place or something. So what you do is first locate java.exe at either C:/WINDOWS/SysWoW/java.exe or C:Program Files (x86)Javajre6binjava.exe then you find the “start server.bat” for the minecraft server and right click it. there should be the …
Posts Tagged ‘ bukkit ’
How To Set Up A Minecraft Bukkit Server On Mac Using McMyAdmin
Open description for links and more info. If you have any problems feel free to leave a comment below. Here is what you have to type into Terminal: cd then drag the folder into Terminal and hit return after that type this: bash then drag in start.sh and hit return Links: Bukkit: bukkit.org McMyAdmin: www.mcmyadmin.com IP Chicken: ipchicken.com
How To Make a Bukkit Server With Portforwarding and Plugins Properly
Please Show More 😀 Thank you for viewing this video please comment if you have any problems with the server. Links: Bukkit: ci.bukkit.org Setting up a server link (code for notepad): wiki.bukkit.org Bukkit website for plugins: plugins.bukkit.org Notepad++ link: notepad-plus-plus.org ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Extra tags(ignore please): How To Make Bukkit Server With Portforwarding and Plugins Howto “Make (software)” Help “Software Tutorial” Tips “Server (computing)” “Computer Software” Windows Basic “Microsoft Windows” Linux starting to make server cod mw2 mw3 editzzzz amazing mrfantasmo 16:9 hd 1080p hdmi