click on the link in the video to watch how to access the usb wifi to be able to use this part of the video…. :::::::::::::::::this is where i got bt4 :::::::::::::::::get the final release :::::::::::::::::name bt4-final.iso :::::::::::::::::size 1570 mb which is 1.5GB ::::::af139d2a08597861dc53cabc67b9269 ::::::thats where i got my version ::::::thats what im currently using ::::::all other versions of bt4 might not work with this NOTE: it should be in the video in red saying click here and other letters and words i put in there i forget all but i remember still saying click here hahahahah 🙂 1. Poweron BT4 2. login with root or the user u created 3. startx 4. go to dragon start icon and select internet and then Wicd step 4 is just to show u that u cannot connect 5. open terminal (NOTE: b/c im not in root i use sudo) and type (NOTE: i know its called Konsole but i like to say terminal) sudo start-network (hit enter) now 2 stop it just type sudo stop-network (hit enter) 6. now do step 4 and slect wicd and u should see it load with the connections. selecton and configure it as you see in the video 6. in same terminal type in sudo apt-get update NOTE:synchronizes your package list with our repository. sudo apt-get upgrade NOTE:downloads and installs all the updates available. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade NOTE:downloads and installs all new upgrades. (NOTE: this should update your backtrack 4) ———————————————- aircrack? 1 …