November 30, 2011
Hey Guys Welcome To My Tutorial On How To Fix Eascap Pal-60 Colour Problems On Your Xbox 360 In Just A Few Minutes! Note – – If You Don’t Have NTSC_433 Setting, Your EasyCAP Is Most Likely A Fake Model. Sorry =/. – This Is Only For Xbox 360 – On PS3 Normal Settings Works Fine As I Have Both Consoles And tested The Settings. – Please Note Is The DC60+ Model So I Am Not Sure About The DC60. – I DONT HAVE EASYCAP ANYMORE, I Have A HD PVR. Thanks For Viewing And Please Subscribe!
Tags: computer hacks, eascap-pal-60, h264, improved, programs, tutorial, upload, white
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 29, 2011
I just wanted to touch bases on the frame rate issues with a little video demonstration of how well the game preforms after. Blog:
Tags: advice (complexity), games, little-video, mode, software problems, the-game, tipsthe, touch-bases, troubleshooting, tutorial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 29, 2011
hello, in this video i will describe how to manually remove programs, you could need to do this for a viraty of reasons the most common one is the uninstaller will not work properly, so the first thing you will want to do is delete the icon off your desktop if their is one, then go to start/my computer/C: disk/ program files and find the folder of the program you want to delete, right click on the folder and click delete, if it asks for admin privileges say yes, then empty your recycle bin, then go to start/ control panel/ program and find your program and hit remove, the program has already been uninstalled this will just take it out of that list, now you are going to want to clean up your registry. Download a program called CCleaner and install it, open it up and go to registry and click on analyze, once it finds all the problems click on fix problems but be sure to back up your registry, repeat this step a few times to ensure all registry keys are removed, this is all you have to do to manually uninstall a program, i have a new website at be sure to check it out for all my tutorials and join the forums, also if you found this video useful please subscribe thanks.
Tags: 2010, computers, delete-the-icon, Desktop, diy, folder, laptop, linux, microsoft, program-called, science & technology, the-uninstaller, video, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 28, 2011
How to Remove System Restore (Rogue Software) by Britec “System Restore” is a rogue Windows registry cleaner and HDD repair program that claims to fix common cause of Windows crashes and error messages. The name of this malicious software is truly misleading. As you probably know, there’s a valuable and genuine Windows utility called System Restore. It solves major Windows problems and restores Windows system files while the fake one reports non-existent system errors and HDD failures. System Restore (fake) is from the same family as Data Recovery malware. If your computer is infected with System Restore malware. If you have problems removing System Restore. More info on this rogue and tools to remove please vist my forum ——————————————- need help with removing malware? ——————————————–
Tags: britec, electronics, forum, howto, infect, internet forum, remove, restore, software problems, system-restore
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 27, 2011
Fix your Windowd registy & Repair your PC! Improve PC stability and performance. Prevent crashes and freezes. Boost PC speed. Repair Windows Errors Old software fragments still living on your computer’s registry cause conflicts and errors on your PC. Our Enhanced Error Detection Scan is a powerful tool that rapidly locates these errors and removes them from Windows. Surf the Internet faster PC Fix automatically detects and repairs errors in your internet browser (like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). ActiveX and other common errors are taken care of, so you can just surf the internet without suffering any freezes or crashes. Boost PC Speed Defragmentation technology in PC Fix optimizes your Windows registry and restores your computer’s original performance. With a faster PC, you will just become more productive at work and in your spare time! Prevent Crashing or Freezing Frequent Windows crashes or freezes are mostly caused by invalid registry entries. By using our software to locate these entries, you will no longer have to deal with such irritating problems. Save Time and Money PC Fix allows you to safely repair a very large set of problems (ActiveX, Windows Registry, Missing Dll, OCX, Runtime, Blue screen, System32, Application Paths, File Extensions, etc). Say goodbye to wasting time on PC manuals and costly call out and repair charges. Receive Custom Solutions Is your PC giving you hard times and you need personal assistance? Don’t worry, just contact our …
Tags: apple, custom, download, extensions, howto & style, keygen, mozilla-firefox, multilingual, repair-windows, software tutorial, then-drag, tutorial, win, windows-surf
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 27, 2011
Open description for links and more info. If you have any problems feel free to leave a comment below. Here is what you have to type into Terminal: cd then drag the folder into Terminal and hit return after that type this: bash then drag in and hit return Links: Bukkit: McMyAdmin: IP Chicken:
Tags: apple, basic, bukkit, chicken, computers, diy, feel-free, howto & style, macintosh, minecraft, software tutorial, then-drag, tutorial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 27, 2011
This is my 2nd virus video, and this time I will show you how to use DarkComet, a program that gives you endless posibilities to create and use trojan viruses! Just follow my steps and guides, and you will be done 😀 if you have any questions, feel free to put them in your comments, and i will reply! ****NOTE: I MADE THIS VIDEO ONYL TO SHOW YOU HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS, I DONT OWN ANY CREDITS, OR PROGRAMS USED IN THIS VIDEO, IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR PROBLEMS COUSED BY THIS SOFTWARE. Download:
Tags: amazing, entertainment, functioning abnormally, please-show, portforwarding, program, software tutorial, time, video, windows, zejdkoco1
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 27, 2011
Please Show More 😀 Thank you for viewing this video please comment if you have any problems with the server. Links: Bukkit: Setting up a server link (code for notepad): Bukkit website for plugins: Notepad++ link: ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Extra tags(ignore please): How To Make Bukkit Server With Portforwarding and Plugins Howto “Make (software)” Help “Software Tutorial” Tips “Server (computing)” “Computer Software” Windows Basic “Microsoft Windows” Linux starting to make server cod mw2 mw3 editzzzz amazing mrfantasmo 16:9 hd 1080p hdmi
Tags: amazing, bukkit, functioning abnormally, ignore-please, please-show, portforwarding, server, software tutorial, starting, tutorial, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 27, 2011
Hello everybody, Tom here from TehPCGamers and today is a very detailed but easy way to create and run a minecraft server using Hamachi, any problems please don’t dislike, leave your problem in the comments and if i can’t solve it feel free to dislike 😉 Hamatchi – Minecrafts DL –
Tags: analysis, bedrock, build, cell, custom, education, hamachi, howto, installation, java, pcgamers, review, teh, tutorial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 27, 2011
Download Link 1: Download Link 2: We have released a amazing working PrizeRebel hack. This hack brings the best quality, we can give you. The hack will not be updated until PrizeRebel have updated there site and server or if we have any problems with the software. If you have any problems or need help, please pm us and we will sort out your problem or help you. Thank You. The hack works 100%!
Tags: 2011, buck, card, education, invite, membership, rebel, rebelbucks, rewards1, runescape, working, xbox
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »