I am having problems with my computer, recording software and hardware. You know what… I think i should start building my own computer, I have never bought a new one i always got second hand ones.
With iPhone 4 having problems, iPhone 4S was meant to fix them. Well, it’s fixed one but caused 4 or 5 more. Our very own CEO Darren has been experiencing issues with his personal assistant, let’s just say he’s being ignored. When he holds down the home button he sometimes finds himself being ignored. The video below is of Darren explaining the issues however, as usual when you want to show something it never turns out right, on this occasion Siri was wide awake.
www.lockergnome.com Tech pundits the Internet over want to tell us that the Amazon Kindle Fire is a doomed product. Amazon wants to tell us that it’s the hottest thing for sale on its site. Is the Kindle Fire going to outgrow its shortcomings to become something the naysayers will someday respect? Hey, the iPad’s come a long way since it hit the market… You can watch the entire live TLDR episode here: www.youtube.com www.lockergnome.com profiles.google.com twitter.com www.facebook.com
A week ago, Windows updates went into an infinite loop with installing 6 updates to the dot NET Framework, typically version 2.0 and 3.5. I’d install the updates as you’d normally do and click “finish”. The yellow shield near the clock disappears like I expect. However, 15 seconds later, that shield comes back. Thus, I’m thinking there are more updates (such as those updating needing to be installed for others to be installed), I installed them, noticing that there were 6, much like the previous install. After installing, I get that shield coming back again and, guess what, 6 more updates and, after taking note of the first one, I saw KB979909 as one of the updates (of which, strangely, was already installed). I forced a redownload of the Windows updates, thinking the download went corrupt, but that didn’t help. I waited about 3 or 4 days to see if some future Windows update has a bug fix, but apparently not. While waiting, I noticed a considerable slow down on my computer. Thus, I looked for a cleaner to otherwise do a clean install of the framework. I ran it, restarted my computer as instructed, and attempted to download and reinstall all the framework stuff, but all I ever got were errors. The cleaner supposedly worked, but the framework just won’t install. Then comes along a time where I need to use the only 2 known programs that use the framework, but they won’t run. Since Sony Vegas comes with a CD that has the framework on it, I tried it that way, but all I get is …
Choose from an exceptional range of quality business automation and report scheduler products which have been designed to work with Crystal Reports, Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. Our Business Process Automation Software uses real time business events to remove common problems associated with manual actions, inefficient resource usage, and lack of intergration. Our signature Windows applications – CRD, MARS and SQL-RD – don’t just handle scheduling, export and report distribution of Crystal Reports, MS Access Reports and SQL Server Reporting Services Reports, but offer a lot more. Take advantage of our superior experience in Business Automation software, SQL Server Reporting Services, Crystal Reports Schedulers & Microsoft Access Schedulers. Benefit from best-of-breed practices and software to leverage solutions that will improve your business process management and maximize the return on your investment. MARS (the scheduler for Microsoft Access) also allows the automation of Access query/queries, Reports and Macros and can easily manage these across a number of Access databases. This specialist tool for scheduling Microsoft Access offers a convenient way to manage your time. SQL-RD (the scheduler for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services) gives you control over multiple SSRS installations in one automation tool. Not to mention huge functionalities that simply don’t exist in Reporting Services. The scheduler for Microsoft SQL Reporting …