January 8, 2012
I was struggling with overheating in my Acer 5738G while gaming or other processor intensive operations. After trying many methods, I’ve found this to be the easiest and the most practical of them all. Be sure to set the “minimum processor state” to lower or equal to the “maximum processor state” Now you can enjoy your games without worrying about your laptop turning off on you. Enjoy!. Donations: www.paypal.com
Tags: 4570, easiest, gaming-or-other, heat, notebook, overheat, personal-computer, problem, repair, software tutorial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 2, 2012
Having problems? Visit this video to see if it will help you out! www.youtube.com Minecraft_server.jar: www.minecraft.net Craftbukkit Server(for mods): ci.bukkit.org 64 Bit: @ECHO OFF “%ProgramFiles(x86)%Javajre6binjava.exe” -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-1.0.1-R1.jar PAUSE 32Bit: @ECHO OFF “%ProgramFiles%Javajre6binjava.exe” -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-1.0.1-R1.jar PAUSE verify-names=false This video shows you how to: -make a minecraft server the easiest and BEST way! -How to port forward like a pro -some basic terminal commands..like a boss -A BEAST server -Some cool ip adress information Hope you guys learned a lot! Check out my video on how to do this on a mac!! www.youtube.com My Texture Pack (Misa HD): www.minecraftforum.net
Tags: basic, basic-terminal, bitter, computers, end, milk, minecraft, port-forward, runescape, star, texture, time
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
January 1, 2012
Raging at computers bad computers. a HTDT Production “You havin a gerraff?”
Tags: .bat, alien, awesome, computer virus, computers-bad, file, fix, funny, htdt, Problems, production, whistle
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 31, 2011
LINK:findfiles.com When i updated to windows 7 my animated spinning cursor was not working, it would just freeze at the first frame, i knew it was a driver problem because on boot up, before the driver loaded, it would work fine. I searched many forums, but none had a link to a working driver……..till i finally found a recent driver on dell.com……… findfiles.com
Tags: animated, basic, because-on-boot, Desktop, driver-on-dell, driver-problem, erick, howto & style, recent-driver, software problems, tips & tricks, tutorial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 30, 2011
Game link: adf.ly OR adf.ly Update 1.01 SKIDROW link: adf.ly Update 1.01 SKIDROW Rapidshare link: adf.ly If instaling game for first time: Install game (DONT CRACK IT) and then install update as below. Instructions to install update: !!!!BACKUP YOUR SAVE GAME YOU MIGHT LOST IT DURING INSTALATION!!!!! 1. Extract update 2. Run update and istall it 3. Copy everything from Skidrow update folder to game instalation 4. Start game and use username SKiDROW and as password type anything (type more then 8 digits in password) and check remember me box 5. Click PLAY GAME. 6. Enjoy 🙂 If you have problems with username and password, go to settings and then check force offline box. If you can’t start game after update, uninstall game and reinstall it (DONT CRACK IT) , then install update using instructions above. You must have Daemon Tools to install game, here is link: adf.ly Subscribe for more tutorials, I will make tutorials for most of new games.
Tags: anime, brotherhood, cap, disco, functioning abnormally, gameplay, gaming, linux, marin, montage, panic disco, roy, skidrow, torrent
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 30, 2011
If you are having problems interacting with an NTFS partition or hard drive on your Mac, or system running Mac OS X, there is a free plug in that is easy to download and install. For more Information, read the article: computersoftwareisyourfriend.blogspot.com Download NTFS 3G www.macupdate.com You can look at our various other articles here: computersoftwareisyourfriend.blogspot.com Be sure to like and subscribe and I will try my best to answer any comments that you leave. Be sure to keep up to date with our other articles and join us on Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Google Plus: plus.google.com
Tags: apple, article, articles, basic, csiyfvideos, educational, facebook, functioning abnormally, having-problems, how to, installation, mac os x, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 28, 2011
How to make a minecraft 1.0.0 server on a PC: www.youtube.com Hey guys! If anyone is having problems then go check out this video. Hopefully it will solve your problems! www.youtube.com This video tells you how to make a minecraft 1.0.0 server using hamachi. We use craftbukkits server instead of mincraft_server. This will work on mac and pc however you do not use the start.command. Instead in notepad copy and paste this: java -Xms1000M -Xmx1000M -jar minecraft_server.jar and save as start.bat in you server folder. Hamachi Download: secure.logmein.com Minecraft_server.jar download: www.minecraft.net Craftbukkit server download: ci.bukkit.org Setting up Your Server: www.minecraftwiki.net
Tags: apple, computers, linux, macintosh, metin2, microsoft windows, Problems, program, programming, runescape, server-download, server-instead, technology, visual basic, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 24, 2011
MagiCure Recovery Software works like a Time Machine to undo PC troubles. You can just roll back your PC to a past date and your problems are history! MagiCure assures instant recovery from OS crashes, malicious viruses, spyware, accidental deletions, corrupted data, drivers, settings, files, applications, definition and more within seconds… It is simple-to-use computer system and data recovery solution ever. Simply configure it to take daily snapshots or create manual snapshots whenever you want to insure the state of your PC. When you get MagiCure installed on your PC, you will eliminate the hassles and headaches of fixing common PC problems.
Tags: again;, corrupted, diy, maintenance, more-within, path, recovery, running, science & technology, software;
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 23, 2011
www.PcTechStream.com 1080p HD, Full Screen 1. Event Viewer is a tool that displays information about events and troubleshooting errors with Windows and other programs. 2. The new custom view feature by using the Create Custom View command MMC TO OPEN A BLANK CONSOLE
Tags: diy, event, event-viewer, functioning abnormally, logs, science & technology, software tutorial, viewer, windows, windows 7
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
December 22, 2011
Please leave a comment if it worked 🙂 Simple tutorial on how to run Minecraft 64 Bit, any problems comment below and i’ll respond ASAP. Code: javaw -Xmx????m -Xms1024m -jar “????” RAM chart: 1GB 1024 2GB 2048 3GB 3072 4GB 4096 5GB 5120 6GB 6144 7GB 7168 8GB 8192 Java 64 download: java.com I also made a full written tutorial on here: www.thetechgame.com
Tags: 1994, bit, game, minecraft, play, software problems, software tutorial, support, times, tips, tutorial-on-how
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »