SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES: This series, because of a limited time frame before I leave for Arizona, is going to have to operate on what I like to call the ‘trust me’ basis. It might not make sense that there’s a numerical value called “double” useful for storing numerical values with decimal places, but there is, and you’ll have to trust me. This goes for anything else you don’t understand right away. PLEASE, give as much feedback as you like in the comments! I actually want to improve this series as I go along. If I fucked anything up, or if I skipped over something REALLY important, let me know and I will devote the first part of the next video in the series to correcting the error before moving on. In this episode, I feel like I didn’t flesh out my explanation of incrementation (i++ and so on) enough. It becomes a lot more clear once you start doing it in problems, though, so don’t worry. The same goes for anything you don’t necessarily understand yet. Me talking about it in theory may not be the most helpful way to explain something, but my hope is that once you see it in practice, it will make a bit more sense. As we continue in the series, you’ll get a better idea of what changes from program to program, how certain data types and loops are used (this will become especially clear when I teach ‘for’ loops in Episode 3), and a better sense of how everything falls together. I hope to do a variety of programming problems despite my limited board space, so after a few lengthy …