Review all the highlights from the Asuka Sakai vs Seo Junghwa Mens Singles Qual.Groups match from the ITTF 2013 World Tour Harmony China Open ©TMS Internatio…
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Here are my top 10 things that annoy me about Android, what are some of the things that you dislike. Leave your comments down below and share your annoyances. Did you see my Android Keylime Pie and Galaxy Nexus 2 wishlist? Take a look and let me know if you agree: youtu.be To get the latest on my work follow me on G+ or Twitter Google+ – gplus.to Follow me on Twitter – twitter.com
Consider liking this video to help spread awareness to this issue that affects a lot of content creators here on YouTube. If you’re a content creator who is affected by this, consider making a video on this issue as well with the same hashtag. My Twitter: twitter.com My facebook: www.facebook.com BG music by redhooknoodles: www.youtube.com Google/YouTube do not listen to the users nor the content creators and this needs to change. If not for the viewers and content creators, this website would not be what it is today. Instead of making arbitrary changes that just make the site more difficult to use, fix actual reported problems. Fix channels that have subscription box issues, get rid of the Highlights feature and fix the unsubscribe glitch. And most importantly; listen and respond to us. Content creators need a help email or something to report problems.