A Hard-Drive stores all your personalized information. Hard-Drives are very delicate piece of hardware. That is why it is essential to take extra care. Movement: Avoid dropping or throwing your laptop. Place your laptop in a secure area to prevent physical damage to your computer or Hard-Drive. Dust Off Your Computer: Continuous use of your computer will generate dust in your computer’s fan. This generates heat in your computer and can cause issues to different components in your computer especially to the Hard-Drive. This headache can be avoided by dusting off your computer using POWER DUSTER. Dusters can be found in any electronic store. Temperature: Laptops must be kept at room temperature. If you left your computer in your car at which the temperature was too hot or too cold. DO NOT TURN ON your laptop for 30mints. Let your computer cool down or warm up to the room temperature then TURN your computer back ON. Shut Down:DO NOT leave your computer on for long period of time. This allows your Hard-Drive to cool down. Make sure you turn off your computer properly by going to START and click on SHUT DOWN option. Hibernate/Sleep Mode: When your computer is on Hibernate/Sleep Mode avoiding drastic movement of your laptop. Because your Hard-Drive is still running on slow speed in order to preserve the saved information. Drastic movements will scratch the surface of your Hard-Drive. Diagnostic Programs checks your Hard-Drive for any ERRORS. Such programs can be downloaded from different websites such as www.download.com . We Recommend Drive Fitness Test (DFT); this program checks your Hard-Drive for any errors. Disk Check is another tool offered by WINDOWS. This tool checks your Hard-Drive for any errors. Simply CLICK on SART –> ALL PROGRAMS –> ACCESSORIES –> COMMAND PROMPT –> TYPE in the following command CHKDSK/F. Next you will get a massage “would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts (y/n). Press Y and after restarting your computer you computer automatically starts scanning for any disk error. This process will take time depending on the amounts of the files and capacity of your hard drive. Online Backup: allows you to store your personal data online. Also known as remote backup. There are various websites that can provide you with online backup. Just go to www.google.com and type in ONLINE DATA BACKUP. We recommend www.carbonite.com
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Prevent Hard Drive Failure