★★ Liked the Video? Subscribe: bit.ly ★★ In this Ultimate Youtube Guide, you’ll learn how to utilize keyword tools like the Youtube Keyword Suggestion tool and the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. This Brief tutorial (By KestalCares) will be referenced among the rest of my Ultimate Youtube Guide Tutorial videos, and is for the sheer benefit of strengthening your Youtube Optimization efforts. Keyword Research is the foundation of search engine optimization, whether directly from Google or within Youtube itself. It is the basis and driving force to your success and overall growth. Utilizing these Keyword Tools (both Youtube Keyword Suggestion Tool and the Google Adwords Keyword Tool), you can optimize your tags, titles, and descriptions for the better. This will bring you further targeted traffic, which will return higher retention rates, and ultimately bring you higher within the search algorithms of both Youtube and Google. In the end, isn’t the idea of having more targeted traffic what we all strive for? ★ Twitter: twitter.com ★ Facebook: facebook.com This is the first part of my Ultimate Youtube Guide series that I will be posting on youtube for the foreseeable future. What better way to start off a channel than trying to convey how important keyword research is for the growth of a channel. As an internet marketer, I know just how important keyword research is to both a website and to a youtube channel. In reality, keyword research is important for pretty much every …
The rest is here:
♥ Ultimate Youtube Guide – Youtube Keyword Suggestion Tool & Adwords Keyword Tool (w/ KestalCares)
What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?
SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” listings on search engines. All major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing have such results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users.