December 2, 2011
DOWNLOAD: Mediafire: Megaupload : INSTRUCTIONS: They are pretty Self Explanatory. 1. Open up the downloaded file. 2. Put your exact banned username in the textbox where it asks for a username(Make sure you get the exact username.) 3. Click unban and try to login! If you have any problems contact me and ill get back to you when i can. Please remember: This video complies with Youtube’s TOS. I Do not Own nor do i claim to own any piece of Gaiaonline. This song also belongs to Pogo. This is for educational purposes only! What or how you use the program is up to you!
Tags: account, education, java, moderator, multiple, runescape, the-downloaded, undetected, video, video-complies
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 29, 2011
hello, in this video i will describe how to manually remove programs, you could need to do this for a viraty of reasons the most common one is the uninstaller will not work properly, so the first thing you will want to do is delete the icon off your desktop if their is one, then go to start/my computer/C: disk/ program files and find the folder of the program you want to delete, right click on the folder and click delete, if it asks for admin privileges say yes, then empty your recycle bin, then go to start/ control panel/ program and find your program and hit remove, the program has already been uninstalled this will just take it out of that list, now you are going to want to clean up your registry. Download a program called CCleaner and install it, open it up and go to registry and click on analyze, once it finds all the problems click on fix problems but be sure to back up your registry, repeat this step a few times to ensure all registry keys are removed, this is all you have to do to manually uninstall a program, i have a new website at be sure to check it out for all my tutorials and join the forums, also if you found this video useful please subscribe thanks.
Tags: 2010, computers, delete-the-icon, Desktop, diy, folder, laptop, linux, microsoft, program-called, science & technology, the-uninstaller, video, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 27, 2011
This is my 2nd virus video, and this time I will show you how to use DarkComet, a program that gives you endless posibilities to create and use trojan viruses! Just follow my steps and guides, and you will be done 😀 if you have any questions, feel free to put them in your comments, and i will reply! ****NOTE: I MADE THIS VIDEO ONYL TO SHOW YOU HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS, I DONT OWN ANY CREDITS, OR PROGRAMS USED IN THIS VIDEO, IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR PROBLEMS COUSED BY THIS SOFTWARE. Download:
Tags: amazing, entertainment, functioning abnormally, please-show, portforwarding, program, software tutorial, time, video, windows, zejdkoco1
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 20, 2011
Problem: In my HP Pavilion is a switch. With that switch I can put my wireless connection on and off. When it’s on, it’s blue. When it’s off, it’s red. Now when I put the switch on it’s still red and my wireless connection doesn’t work… View the video for more information!!! Please comment!!!!!
Tags: diy, do it your self, pavilion, still-red, switch, the-video, video, wireless
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
November 14, 2011
Hello everybody! If you’re a PC gamer and you’re planning to play Skyrim, then these videos are for you. I take you through a series of critical optimizations in order for your PC to totally own Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at higher graphics settings and higher framerates. This is a two part series, and it’s important that you complete my recommendations in BOTH videos, since every PC gamer should be familiar with all of these procedures. In this Part 1, I give you advice on: 1. Updating Your Video Drivers 2. Conducting Windows Vista / 7 Memory Test 3. Installing More RAM (8GB) 4. Changing Virtual Memory Settings 5. Installing MSI Afterburner Stay tuned for Part 2 very soon! In Part 2, I will give you advice on setting up System Restore Points, completing a large malware removal procedure, overclocking your GPU, and defragmenting your hard drives. Thanks for watching, and share this with all of your friends who will be playing Skyrim on the PC. Links mentioned in this video: Video Drivers: and Memory test: Memory test command: msched MSI Afterburner: Click Here for Part 2!
Tags: additional, education, framerate, framerates, higher-graphics, minimum, rate, video, virtual, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 9, 2011
revised Video Quick fix for Laptop charging port that has loose connection, prevents PC to charge, power port temporary repair for your computer.
Tags: crappy, currently-run, fix computer, laptop, laptop-screens, own-computer, power-port, remove-viruses, repair-business, temporary-repair, video
Posted in Laptop Repair | No Comments »
November 9, 2011 In this video, I demonstrate the first steps in solving Screen Resolution Problems that are caused by a corrupted, incorrect or missing video driver. For more information, go to http
Tags: Desktop, emonstrate-the-first, microsoft windows, more-information, resolution, science & technology, software tutorial, video, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 4, 2011
This video Tutorial Shows you How to get the Latest version of Uniblue Registry Booster of 2011 for free. Registry Booster v6.0.7.2 [Latest Version of Registry Booster] I=Download=I ——-{File Size:6.64 Mb} –{File Size:6.64 Mb} =====Installation Instructions==== 1.Run the Setup file and Complete the Installation 2.Register Using the following Serial (if it Asks for the Serial) PS-FAQ2S-KCVE7-3JWEA-YNUK5-X57S9-D25YZ Done ! Enjoy ,You Will have Full version of Uniblue Registry Booster for Free. —————————————————————– Download Here: ——–{File Size: 6.76 MB} 1.Run the Setup file(.exe file) and Complete the Installation 2.IF it asks for Serial, Enter one of the following Serials to Register. Try one of these serials: RB-NBR6P-PJCL2-MC8D8-QJBUF-2JLJT-834DF RB-T5Q5J-TLUEE-8A4TE-9KTJ5-8FADX-BUBRG PS-G06DF-E903C-4CE5C-132D0-B0501-000G0 ————————————————————– Done ! Enjoy ,You Will have Full version of Uniblue Registry Booster for Free. RegistryBooster is the safest and most trusted solution to clean and optimize your system, freeing it from registry errors and fragmented entries. Using advanced error detection technology, RegistryBooster automatically identifies missing, corrupt or possibly harmful items in your Windows registry, dramatically enhancing performance and general stability. RegistryBooster improves your PC by optimizing your …
Tags: booster, functioning abnormally, key, latest-version, more-stubborn, much-faster, powersuite, regedit, registry, revo, science & technology, serial, uniblue, uniblue-registry, video
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 4, 2011
“you know who won’t be able to pay is the little guys and you’ll be crushing the future of inovation…” A look at the history of the communication and where it’s going next. We’ve also included this video on the current version of our DVD we sell off of our website. So if also check that out here: FaceBook Profiles Arin – Susan – Four Eyed Monsters – MySpace Profiles: Susan – Arin – Film – Music – Twitter Profiles: Arin – Susan –
Tags: communication, diy, dvd, history, lesson, music, neutrality, news & politics, profiles, profiles-arin, radio, video
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
November 4, 2011
Minecraft: how to install Too Many Items mod creator of the mod isMarglyph’s Yes the video is beta 1.6.4 but TMI is always loaded the same way stop sayin 1.6.4 it wont work now When doing a mod yourminecraft game must be closed thats why some of you are having problems deleting the META-INF folder if thats not the reason then pm me and i will try to help you further This link works for 1.8 Download Link for : Too Many Items post a comment down below on what mod you want to see next if you are still getting a black screen after deleting Meta-inf your a. doing something wrong or b. having interfearence with another mod
Tags: 1.7_01, always-loaded, analysis, cyborg rat, functioning abnormally, gui, infinite, invedit, minecraftforums, mod, run, tallgrass, too, video
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »