August 31, 2012
Step-by-step at Video by PCNix Computer Repair covering Toronto, Scarborough and GTA. Call us at 416-223-2525 or see A brief video showing how to open Western Digital My Book Essential USB 3.0 1.5TB hard drive for computer repair, data recovery and educational purposes. A video provided by PCNix providing computer service in Toronto, Scarborough, North York, Markham, Richmond Hill, Vaughan and surrounding areas.
Tags: 2525-or-see, computer repair, data-recovery, howto & style, laptop repair, north, north-york, richmond-hill, scarborough, step-at-www, toronto, video, video-provided, western-digital
Posted in Laptop Repair | No Comments »
August 29, 2012 This video from TV Trade shows how to connect your laptop Computer or PC to a TV so that you can watch the likes of Netflix or Youtube. This demonstration is of how to do this using an HDMI cable. This is the best method as it will output both the sound and picture by just using one HDMI cable. HDMI outputs are not available on every PC or Laptop Computer, but where available it is simply the best method of outputting your Laptops screen to a TV. Older TV will not have a HDMI out put either but pretty much all flat screen TVs will have a HDMI input. Where HDMI is not available, you should investigate the VGA method which also works really well but again is not suitable for every TV, so make sure before you buy the appropriate cables.
Tags: computer to tv, demo, hdmi, hdmi-out-put, how to connect, repair, tips, video, watch netflix on tv
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
August 29, 2012
Learn guitar chords for FREE through our new game Chord Master: In this video, Mahalo computer expert Sean Hewitt shows you how to fix your slow PC by upgrading your RAM. How Upgrade Your RAM ——————————————————————— RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It’s not used in the same way that memory on a hard drive is used to store programs, documents and other files. RAM, however, provides space for your computer to read and write data to be accessed by the CPU. If you add more RAM to your computer, you essentially reduce the number of times your CPU must read data from your hard drive. This usually allows your computer to work considerably faster. Data stored in RAM is volatile, so it stays there only as long as your computer is running. As soon as you turn the computer off, the data stored in RAM disappears. Upgrading your RAM is probably one of the easiest and best ways to improve your computer’s performance. To do this, you need to know what Type of RAM you currently have installed. A free program from called CPU-Z will analyze your system and provide you with this information. In this example, one would need to upgrade with DDR3 RAM to be most compatible with the current system. If you have a 32-bit operating system, you will be limited to a maximum of 4 GB of RAM. If you have a 64-bit operating system, however, you can have as much as 16 GB of RAM installed on your machine. You also need to refer to your …
Tags: computer-expert, data, education, learn, mahalo, only-as-long, optimize, teach, trojan, upgrade, video, virus, your-computer
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
August 28, 2012
PCNix Computer Service Toronto – 416-223-2525. 3428 Sheppard Ave. E. Suite 205 Toronto. – Watch this video, it’s an eye opener. Be vary of big box companies that don’t really know what they are doing. See what others have to say on Google at reviews
Tags: computer help, google-at-www, laptop repair, really-know, science & technology, sheppard, toronto, video
Posted in Laptop Repair | No Comments »
August 28, 2012
Please subscribe! Model: Dell Dimension 3100 Problem: Huge amount of dust backed up within the computer Solution: Compressed air to blow it out In this video we show you just how dirty computers and laptops can get from years of sitting in the corner or on your lap, this specific computer was brought in by a customer who had complains of it running to slow, once we gave it a good cleaning and used some programs to clean any unwanted files it was working as good as new! PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME ESPECIALLY WITH A HOOVER AS THIS CAN DAMAGE THE INTERNALS. ALWAYS TAKE IT TO A PROFESSIONAL REPAIR SHOP. Please subscribe! Video’s will be uploaded weekly Find us on facebook by clicking our youtube page!
Tags: blow-it-out, compressed, computer problems, dell, dust., laptop, Problems, repair, science & technology, some-programs, specific, trouble, unwanted-files, uploaded-weekly, video
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
August 28, 2012
This video shows how to open Sony Vaio VPCZ1 to replace broken LCD screen. Video by PCNix Toronto for Computer Repair and educational purpose. Read guide & warnings at – We do computer repair and laptop repair in Toronto, Scarborough, North York, Markham, Richmond Hill, Vaughan and surrounding areas.
Tags: computer help, fix computer, formerly-toronto, howto & style, laptop repair, north, north-york, richmond, richmond-hill, video, video-shows, warnings-at-www
Posted in Laptop Repair | No Comments »
August 23, 2012
This video shows you what to do if the internet on your computer isn’t working and after you have troubleshooted, the problem reads “the dns server isn’t responding.
Tags: diy, internet, problem, Problems, server, the-internet, the-problem, tutorial, video, video-shows
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
August 23, 2012
This video shows you what to do if the internet on your computer isn’t working and after you have troubleshooted, the problem reads “the dns server isn’t responding.
Tags: diy, internet, problem, Problems, server, the-internet, the-problem, tutorial, video, video-shows
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
August 21, 2012
This was when chris pirillo killed his windows computer. Eventulay it came back to life Sorry about my video slow connection but audio works fine
Tags: chris, computer problems, fix it, funny, gnome, haha, locker, lol, mad, pirillo, Problems, shutup, video, video-slow
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
August 19, 2012
Hey guys recently I had a problem with my sony vegas pro 10.Suddenly it stop working and I couldn create video so here is a very easy way to install and completely Crack it so enjoy:) ======================================================= tools you will need: Sony Vegas pro 11 :www.sonycreatives…
Tags: Desktop, download, howto & style, live, mihrits, pro, sony, sony-vegas, tutorial, video, vista
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »