February 21, 2013
I spent a 5 hours on my Xbox360 trying every thing and this is was the last thing on my list to think about i mean who would believe playing song will prevent this Problem ——————————————————————————- Note: This will prevent your console from the disc authorize error but the disc will keep spinning but in a lower speed. this the temporally Solution on how to fix the ”Failed to authorize disc” (the tips) 1.before you start the game play any song and keep it running press the ”B” on your Joystick and go back to home 2.keep the music running and start the game 3.wait for 2 to 3 minutes with the song Running 4.Press the HOME button and Stop the song by going to the right by pressing the ”RB” 5.Back to the game Resume ENJOY Remember you have to do this every time you play a game with this Issue Comment your answer and ask about any thing for XBOX360 or PlayStation 3 I hope i helped Please Rate the Video ———————————————————————————————— You Can Solve This Problem For Ever By Buying Ihas Flashed With Burner Max FirmWare So The Game Can Be fully burned, You Get This error Because You Burned Your Games With A Normal Burner Like Your Laptop/PC, With Truncated Method, When You Burn With Truncated The Game Wont Be fully Burned!, So The Xbox 360 DVD Drive Will Spin for 2-3m To Do PT Check (Pairted Check) And When The Drive Detect That The DB MC Files Missing the …
Tags: dvd, files-missing, gaming, joystick, music, pairted-check, problem, start-the-game, tips, video
Posted in CD/DVD Drive Problem | No Comments »
February 21, 2013
Before asking any questions, READ THIS DESCRIPTION and VISIT THE ORIGINAL THREAD: forum.xda-developers.com SEARCH the original thread if your model isn’t listed. DO NOT ASK IF IT’LL WORK. If no one’s attempted it, you can do so AT YOUR OWN RISK. Method #1 should NOT affect any data. If you do NOT have the Sony Backup & Restore app pre-installed, visit the original thread above. As of 2012-11-21, the Xperia T CANNOT be rooted using this tool. (Build 7.0.A.3.195) 2012 Q4 Sony firmwares such as .2.55 or 6.1.1.B.1.54 CANNOT be DIRECTLY rooted anymore. Root can still be achieved by downgrading the kernel, rooting, then upgrading the kernel again. Similar to: www.youtube.com This video shows how to use Bin4ry’s “Restore” Rooting Toolkit to root phones running either Ice Cream Sandwich or Jelly Bean. It works on multiple models from many different manufacturers. Short list: – HTC One S – Sony Xperia S, T, P, Acro S, Ion, Tipo, Tablet S, Go, Sola, U – LG: P705, P7510, Canadian Optimus G (E973 Bell/Telus, E971 Rogers) & AT&T Optimus G: www.lg.com Bootloader unlock: forum.xda-developers.com – Kyocera Rise, Hydro – etc. NOTE: LG Optimus G (E973/E970 Canada/USA): Newer firmwares such as E97310h can no longer be rooted with this method. The workaround involves flashing a lower build (E97310f) and then rooting. Instructions: forum.xda-developers.com Xperia T (locked bootloader) root: forum.xda-developers.com / 7.0.A.3.223: forum.xda-developers.com Xpeiria Sola 6.1.1.B.1.54: forum.xda …
Tags: backup, cream-sandwich, kernel, kyocera-rise, multiple-models, rooting-toolkit, science & technology, sony, such-as-e97310h, tool, usa, video, xpeiria-sola, xperia
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 21, 2013
In this video i show that you DONT need a DisplayPort monitor or a £70/$100 adaptor to run Eyefinity. I have a cheap £20/$30 DisplayPort to VGA adaptor plugged into my Radeon 5750 and two DVIs
Tags: 100-adaptor, adaptor-plugged, computer monitor problem, display, radeon, science & technology, vga, video
Posted in Monitor Problem | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
www.phonebuff.com In this video, I do a review on the CM10 (Cyanogen Mod) Nightly ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S3. CM10 is based on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and gives you a stock like experience, only with more control over everything and extra features. XDA thread: forum.xda-developers.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Website: www.phonebuff.com
Tags: diy, fake antivirus, functioning abnormally, jelly-bean, money-on-its, more-control, over-everything, program-which, protection, software problems, video
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
This video will show you how to manually update to the official Android 4.1.1 JB build on the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III. No data will be wiped. Any questions, just ask! Thanks for watching. Download: www.qbking77.com For rooted users, How to install stock recovery: www.youtube.com How to Root: www.qbking77.com REVIEW of LG7: www.youtube.com If you’d like to donate, please click here: www.paypal.com All donations go to my college fund and will be greatly appreciated 🙂 Every little bit helps! Check out my website! www.qbking77.com Like me on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Add me on Google Plus: plus.google.com
Tags: college, college-fund, facebook, fix, google-plus, manually-update, nokia, nokia-lumia, software problems, sprint-samsung, the-official, think-the-bulk, video, written
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
This video will show you how to jailbreak iOS 6.0, 6.1, 6.1.1 and iOS 6.1.2 Untethered. This jailbreak uses Evasi0n to jailbreak your device. It works on all current iOS devices, including all A4, A5, A6, and A6X devices.JAILBREAK AT YOUR OWN RISK. I AM NOT LIABLE IF ANYTHING UNEXPECTED HAPPENS TO YOUR DEVICE. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH YOUR DEVICE DUE TO THE JAILBREAK, YOU MUST RESTORE IN RECOVERY OR DFU MODE. Download Evasi0n: Mac: sites.google.com Linux: sites.google.com Windows: sites.google.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com
Tags: all-current, bbm, check-out-more, diy, even-multitask, facebook, functioning abnormally, jailbreak, jailbreak-uses, more-on-bbm, post-at-www, science & technology, video, voice
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
FaceBook Page – – – – – – – – – – – – www.facebook.com Watch Next Video Also www.youtube.com In this video I run through the Newly released WiFi Support for the GoPro Hero3 Cameras. Surprisingly GoPro have also released an App for the Android which seems to have better performance than the iOS App, buggy but still faster refresh rate. I’m using the Hero3 Silver Edition in this footage. In any case I hope you enjoy this video. The Stabilizer Rig Search ebay for “GoPro GoRig”
Tags: diy, functioning abnormally, hero3-silver, music, science & technology, simple-calendar, social, software problems, still-faster, video, work
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 19, 2013
Seo services www.VideoSEOResults.com Video Results for new and unique SEO services through video marketing. Google has recently undergone many major changes that have caused uncertainty in previous SEO expert services. Websites that were previously number one for their chosen keywords in Google and YouTube are now nowhere to be seen and even the best SEO companies are struggling to recover. This is where the video marketing and alternative SEO company Video Results steps in. A relatively new company in the video SEO world, they have established themselves as market leaders by creating exceptional ranking results for their clients. Using a mixture of unprecedented organic SEO services and video conversion expertise, Video Results know exactly what buttons to press to create a high converting video for your business and get it showing in the top ranking position on Google and YouTube. Video Results is the creation of the combined expertise of Tom Breeze and Andy Frain who have fused together video creation and video SEO services to form a unique video marketing hybrid. “Nobody offers what we do” says Andy, “Not just the two aspects of creating a high converting video and then generating unprecedented rankings- not even the best SEO companies offer both services, and so there are no SEO company services that have the depth of knowledge and understanding that Video Results has.” His business partner Tom agrees, “There is no point in paying a fortune for an SEO company to get …
Tags: business, clients, companies-offer, high-converting, howto & style, ranking-results, seo, seo tips, then-generating, tube-video, video, video-creation, video-marketing, video-results
Posted in Internet Marketing, SEO | No Comments »
February 19, 2013
In this video, we take a piece of crappy Java code with no tests. Our objective is to write tests for it and then refactor to make it better. The code has the most common problems that much larger legacy applications have, like Singletons, static calls and feature envy. It also has some design problems. Fixing that is quite hard, mainly when we need to write all the tests before we start the refactoring. Another rule: We cannot change production code if it is not covered by tests but quite often we need to change the production code in order to be able to test it. How to solve this problem? Well, I hope I can answer all these questions in this video. If you want to know more about Software Craftsmanship, please check my book: leanpub.com
Tags: book, fix, larger-legacy, make-it-better, please-check, problem, production, production-code, quite-often, refactoring, science & technology, singletons, static-calls, tests, video
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 18, 2013
Please Join Me On: Facebook : www.facebook.com Twitter : twitter.com Official Website : www.nawafdandachi.webstarts.com Google+ plus.google.com Wikipedia : en.wikipedia.org Empire Avenue : empireavenue.com MySpace : www.myspace.com LinkedIN : uk.linkedin.com Forum #1 : nawafdandachi.createaforum.com Forum #2 : nawafdandachi.boards.net FlickR : www.flickr.com Tmblr : nawafdandachi.tumblr.com My Channel Stats : socialblade.com LastFM : www.last.fm Stumble Upon : www.stumbleupon.com Listorious : listorious.com JustDaddy : www.justdaddy.net FREERunningTV : freerunningtv.org —————————————————————————————– – You Found My Video Helpful? – ● Comment, Like and Subscribe (or at least one of those) ● Thank You, Nawaf Dandachi Set up a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network An ad hoc network is a temporary connection between computers and devices used for a specific purpose, such as sharing documents during a meeting or playing multiple-player computer games. You can also temporarily share an Internet connection with other people on your ad hoc network, so those people don’t have to set up their own Internet connections. Ad hoc networks can only be wireless, so you must have a wireless network adapter installed in your computer to set up or join an ad hoc network. Open Connect to a Network by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Connect to. Click Set up a connection or network. Click Set up an ad hoc (computer-to …
Tags: diy, empire-avenue, facebook, internet, nawaf-dandachi, please-join, start, stumble-upon, video, video-helpful, wikipedia, your-computer
Posted in Wireless Network Setup | No Comments »