This is a common problem that happen’s to xbox 360’s and I decided to make a How-To-Vid showing you huys just how to do it.
Posts Tagged ‘ macbook ’
Macbook Pro Superdrive Problem
11.6" MacBook Air Review: 13" Compared
The 11″ beats the 13″ in what the Air is good for. It’s a fun secondary computer as long as you manage your expectations — and your budget. Update: This LCD viewing angle test demonstrates my claim beautifully. Look at the gamma test (image 1) and the blue/purple fade (image 2) and compare to your other displays. What’s YOUR opinion of the MacBook Air? Leave your comments here or tweet me — or leave me a voicemail at +1 (218) 6-NNTAKE, and I’ll play them on a future episode of “nntake.” (
Custom Triple Monitor PC Workstation
just thought Id share/show off my old Tri monitor setup custom built by me! I wanted a setup with no wires showing and a clean modern look. Its just sweet to work on… Im not a gamer although it will run anything at full res no problem. I mainly use it for VT editing and music production. Its also used as a server and pumps out the 5TB+ of digital media to every room in the house. The sound is also one of the best features…. It has a pro audio card wired to a 500w Technics amp which output to 4 corner JBL pro studio speakers… the sound quality is just amazing. Hope you like! If you got any tech questions just ask. Have fun.
How to emulate Timeline Cache in Pro Tools 10 for FREE! (part 2)
***More tips below! Click to see more: ****PLEASE VIEW @ 720p**** 1. Always be vigilant. You are your own best back up. Before you remove anything from the ramdisk, always make sure it is current with what you have on your hard disk. 2. Folder Actions and other workflow automations are extremely powerful. I encourage anyone who uses a Mac professionally to give Automator a serious chance. It can be clunky at times, but it can also save you from buying unnecessary software. 3. Check out this link for some tricks on how to make your ramdisk data persist between boots and sleeps! If you enjoyed these tutorials, the best way to show your appreciation would be to share them around! The more views and likes I see, the more tutorials will continue to show up on this channel. 😉 Thanks again for tuning in! Recommended links (I do not work for Avid, Apple or any other brands mentioned in the video. For instructional purposes only. I take no responsibility for any problems you may have with your computer or software therein, this is intended purely as a guide.)
Another DAMNED computered problem – hp desktop Turns on but nothing happens..suggestions?
Setup a Wired Printer to a Wireless Network
A tutorial on how to make a wired printer into a wireless printer and print from multiple computers. If you need any help with this, please leave a comment or send me a message. Ifyou have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below. Thank you for viewing my video. Please be sure to rate, comment, and subscribe. Get free stuff: ► ◄ SWAGBUCKS ► ◄ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝
Mysterious blinking monitor problem
MacBook Pro hooked up to HP 24″ monitor LP2475w via DisplayPort cable. Monitor was working fine with a different computer. Apple geniuses tried everything with the MBP and finally agreed to give me a new one. This one has the same problem of randomly blinking, but ONLY when set at a high resolution (required for photo editing). Based on support forums on manufacturers’ websites, many people have been exchanging monitors and laptops with this problem and I haven’t seen what the real solution is. Please post if you know the answer. Thank You!
MacBook LCD Screen Replacement, How to Replace a Laptop Screen
This is a sample of one of our videos from our new Laptop Repair Course. This video was cut down from over 50minutes of footage of Will showing you precisely how to take this machine apart. Will shows you how to take apart your MacBook and replace a broken screen. This a must see video for anyone who is a little rough on their notebook! Be sure to find our Laptop Repair Course at: And ask us questions about computer repair on our forum: