Posts Tagged ‘ functioning abnormally ’

Art of Software Security Testing: Chris Wysopal

July 3, 2011
Art of Software Security Testing: Chris Wysopal

Chris Wysopal, CTO Veracode, Inc discusses valuable insights from his latest book, Art of Software Security Testing, The: Identifying Software Security Get all the OnSecurity Vidcasts Subscribe Now: The Art of Software Security Testing delivers in-depth, up-to-date, battle-tested techniques for anticipating and identifying software security problems before the “bad guys” do. Drawing on decades of experience in application and penetration testing, this book’s authors can help you transform your approach from mere “verification” to proactive “attack.” The authors begin by systematically reviewing the design and coding vulnerabilities that can arise in software, and offering realistic guidance in avoiding them. Next, they show you ways to customize software debugging tools to test the unique aspects of any program and then analyze the results to identify exploitable vulnerabilities. This book is indispensable for every technical professional responsible for software security: testers, QA specialists, security professionals, developers, and more. For IT managers and leaders, it offers a proven blueprint for implementing effective security testing or strengthening existing processes.

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Mathematics area problem solved two ways to find and fix errors using Doceri software for the iPad

July 1, 2011
Mathematics area problem solved two ways to find and fix errors using Doceri software for the iPad

A teacher can use Doceri software to show multiple solutions to the same problem with different answers, and replay the solutions back to discuss the different steps. The teacher can rewind the writing and drawing to replay the solutions, step by step, to find the errors and fix them. Solving the problem in two ways provides a way to check her work for accuracy. Playing back the solutions helps the students see the process unfold more than once, so that they can see when errors occurred in time, and not just spatially on paper or a white board. The problem is solved directly over electronic PDF file on the computer desktop. Visit for more information on this software. Thank you to Mrs. Zorin from Stevens Elementary school for her math work sheet.

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Emulator DJ Touch Screen Software Innovation

June 17, 2011
Emulator DJ Touch Screen Software Innovation

The DJ of the Future is Now! Emulator The older Monotouchlive is now discontinued and the new software born, is called EMULATOR! This software is designed to work with tablet PCs. stad alone multitouch LCDs, and rear projections screens. The major problem with present touchscreen controllers is that you don’t have tactile feedback (you can’t feel with your fingers knobs, buttons, sliders etc etc), for that reason you need put your eyes all time on the touchscreen device for use the controller, and lose the focus over music software, with Emulator that problem is solved!

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Software Release (and a little surprise)

June 17, 2011
Software Release (and a little surprise)

I decided to release my 3D reconstruction software, even though nobody will be able to compile it yet. The problem is that it’s built on top of the Vrui VR toolkit, version 2.0, which is not released yet. But hopefully in a few days. At that point, it will definitely build on Linux, and probably on Mac OS X if you find a Mac version of the libusb-1.0 library (which I think exists). Until then, you can at least look at some of the algorithms — which are not actually all that complicated. The software is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2, and can be downloaded from my R&D page:

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How to remove Genuine Microsoft Software

June 17, 2011
How to remove Genuine Microsoft Software

This is the link: READ HERE! In some case the problem will return after you reboot the computer! If that happened this, restart your computer and press F8 to enter in SafeMode! Then enter in C: WINDOWS Sistem32. Search WGATRAY and WGALOGON. delete them with Unlocker (right click on file then click Unlocker). After you do that enter in the folder where you have license for Genuine, double click on it, then restart your computer again. To be sure it will not install later, click on the yellow shield every time you install the update for windows and uncheck Genuine! Link for Unlocker:

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How to use Procmon to Troubleshoot a Problem by Britec

June 17, 2011
How to use Procmon to Troubleshoot a Problem by Britec

How to use Procmon to Troubleshoot a Problem by If you are not familiar, process monitor (procmon) is monitoring tool that helps you to monitor in real time processes activitiy, Registry and file-system. It combines to useful former tools of called FileMon and RegMon. Also with Process Monitor you can log activity during the initialization of boot-start device drivers which is probably the most useful option. My example will be rather simple just to show you how to use ProcMon as far as this will be enough to understand what can be done with it. To be honest, to use Process Monitor you must have certain knowledge about windows processes as well as their names and usage. I will use the general Process Monitor example with ccleaner. ———————————————– need help with computer problems? ———————————————- http

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RSS Web Design and Seo Tips

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