In this episode we show you how to connect to a Wi-Fi network while using the BlackBerry PlayBook. Unlike other BlackBerry devices the PlayBook is unable to connect to 3G networks and instead uses Wi-Fi as its main means of connecting to the Internet @
Posts Tagged ‘ connection ’
How to Fix Internet/ Data on IPHONE 3G as GoPhone (on 3.0)
You can download the iphone config program at: For Windows: For Mac: This method works great. In a day or so, I should have another vid out explaining how to do this without a computer, and how to get Tethering for AT&T. Here are the APN settings to enter in for the video: APN: wap.cingular User: WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM PW: CINGULAR1 Everything else can be left blank. Please Rate, comment and subscribe. I hope this vid is helpful. Sign up for free on this website, and get free prizes, like video games, game consols, iphones, and much more!
How to speed up your Internet Connection – Windows Setting
YouTube channel: Facebook: Twitter: Google Buzz: Digg: This video will show you how to speed up your internet connection by changing a simple setting in Windows If you do not have ‘Run…’ in your start menu, you can press ‘windows key’ + ‘R’ on your keyboard. This must be typed into the run command in Windows: gpedit.msc Hit enter to run the command. Note that this setting can be changed in all versions of windows apart from: XP Home Edition Vista Home Basic and Home Premium versions Windows 7 Home Premium Any versions of Windows that were released before XP. If you do not have the ‘Network’ folder in the ‘Administrative Templates’ folder, follow the steps below to make the other folders (including the required ‘Network’ folder) appear: Right click ‘Administrative Templates’ (in the left margin of the group policy window) and click add remove templates. You will then have a dialg box with a list of templates. Click Add and this should open the Windowssystem32inf folder and list a number of .ADM files. From this list, add in Conf.adm and System.adm. Close the Add/Remove templates box and you should now have the requied options, the network folder included. Ifyou have a question about this video, after reading all of this description, please send me a direct message on YouTube and I will try and get back to you. If you would like to request a computer related tutorial for me to make and upload …
How to speed up your internet connection speeds (HD)
In this tutorial, I will be demonstrating how changing the DNS settings can really make a difference. Today, we will be setting the DNS server to OpenDNS which is a free DNS server which is not only fast and efficient but has great protection and security. Visit the OpenDNS website: In the video, I say 50 percent, I meant 50 times :S In this tutorial, I am showing you how to do it in Windows 7 BUT, it is the same process in Windows Vista, for those of you that use Windows Vista 🙂 Windows 7 ————- Shown in the video! Windows Vista ————- 1. Click the Start Orb, then go to the Control Panel. 2. Click on View network status and tasks. 3. Click on View status. 4. Click the Properties button inside the connection status. 5. Vista may ask for your permission to make changes. If so, allow UAC to continue. 6. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click the Properties button below. 7. Click the radio button Use the following DNS server addresses: and type in OpenDNS addresses in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields. 8. Click the OK button, then the Close button, and the Close button again. Close the Network and Sharing Center window. Windows XP ————- 1. Go to Control Panel from the Start menu. 2. Click on Network Connections from the Control Panel choices. 3. Choose your connection from the Network Connections window. 4. Click Properties button. 5. Select …
Fix Wifi Problems On Ipod Touch and Iphone
Troubleshooting Network connectivity issues with Windows XP
If you are having issues connecting to your network with Windows XP try checking some of these settings. Often a connection issue will be caused by something incredibly simple. 90% of the internet connection issues I get called out for are caused by one of these. In just a few minutes you could fix a simple windows connection issue with almost no effort! Feel free to contact me at
Internet Connecton Troubleshooting
A few steps you can try to see if your Internet Connection is working at a low level. If you can get PING working you know you are connected. Next try to see if Internet Explorer ( or your browser ) works as well. The browser uses the internet connection. If PING works but not the broswer you may have a problem with the browser. Try Email to see if that works.
How to Set up a Wireless Network Connection for 3D Blu-ray Player
Warcraft III Hosting
I have a Warcraft III Hosting Site. Here it is: (NOTE: Windows XP Demonstration. I do not give Mac support, sorry.) IF THE VIDEO DOES NOT PLAY: TYPE “&fmt=18” at the end of the URL.I’ll make some comments to the video. Just click View All Comments to see a text description on how to do this. Link to Portforwarding site: I’d also like to share some info on what kind of things can block you from hosting. Router (port forwarding) Modem Firewall (like Windows Firewall) Software (can block other software/ports) For Vista users:(I haven’t found any problems as for the default settings for Vista. If settings have been manually changed then the software may need to be checked.) Windows Firewall is a bit different on Vista so you need to do something else. First you need to login to Administration Tools with Windows Firewall. Once there you need to configurate inbound/outbound rules for ICMPv6 for routers. Another thing I found that might help: In the Advanced tab of your windows firewall un-check your connection from the box. This will let the firewall know you don’t want it to protect your connection. This way you can receive incoming connections. Username/Password If you don’t know it and the person who set-up the router doesn’t know it.. Try looking default username/password for your specific router or you could just reset the router back to default if it is not already at default. There should be a little pen-size hole somewhere that will …