Readback Full Firmware Flash (.BIN) File to Computer for Backup ,UpDate and Restore
Posts Tagged ‘ computer repair ’
How To use MTK Flash Tool For China Mobile Phones
Lecture 25 – Interrupt Driven I/O
WFD4 Roundtable: Wi-Fi Problems That Aren’t Wi-Fi Problems
People love to complain about Wi-Fi: It’s slow, they can’t get connected, and things stop working. But many of these issues aren’t actually Wi-Fi problems! This roundtable, introduced by Lee Badman, discusses issues that aren’t actually Wi-Fi related. Recorded at Wireless Field Day 4, February 15, 2013. Learn more at
Lec 18 | MIT 6.033 Computer System Engineering, Spring 2005
Increase Internet Speed with Special Internet Options
For More Ways to Increase Internet Speed: You can disable your TCP Auto-tuning option to increase internet speed and realiablity. This is an easy trick that will allow you to control how your TCP option which control how much data you can transfer on the net. Some firewalls and routers don’t work well with TCP autotuning. So you should disable this option. For Windows 7 Users type this command first to gain control of your settings netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled Disable TCP Auto- Tuning 1. Open Command Line as the Administrator and Type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled Enable TCP Auto-Tuning 1. Open Command Line as the Administrator and Type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=normal
Computer Tech Lessons : How to Restore an HP Computer to Factory Settings
To restore an HP computer to factory settings, boot up the computer, press the “F11” key while it is booting up and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Restore a computer back to its original factory settings withinformation from an experienced software developer in this free video on computers. Expert: Dave Andrews Contact: Bio: Dave Andrews is a software developer that holds a degree in computer science. Currently, he is employed by a government IT department. Filmmaker: Tim Brown
Computer-Controlled Toy Washing Machine (behind the scenes)
This is the same washing machine as in the video uploaded by steeeven1. (He’s my brother, he had the machine and is good with the components, I’m good at the programming, so we sort of came together to make this (the machine is still really his though)). This is a video I made showing a sort of behind-the-scenes view of it, and more information on it (Also doesn’t blur on the close-ups of the program…) NOTE: When I typed the Hz of the pulses near the end, they are actually 10x slower than I typed. >_< Eg 6400 bytes/sec baud rate = around 640 Hz. My crapness. Enjoy~!
ETS2 Beta Daphne Amsterdam To Manchester
Well I am back again for aother installment of my Euro Truck Simulator 2 gameplay video’s, this time is the Daf trucks turn to be upgraded, but I have used most of what I put on the Scania in a previous video, because I wanted to keep a few things away from the public eye, even though you may see them on the accessories list they look different on the trucks. Trip Information Starting Point/Delivery Destination – Amsterdam To Manchester Trip Distance – 193miles Game Time – 16hours 20mins Actual Time – 25mins ( approx ) Please be aware that there may be slight inperfections in this video, as video editing is not my strong point, but I am hopefully doing enough to scrape by without embarassing myself to much. I hope you enjoy the video, I know I enjoyed recording it, and after alot of private messages asking for a video showing the Scania being customised I finally gave in. My new Blog Located here: Computer Specs This Was Recorded On, Foxconn G31 Motherboard Q6600 2.4Quad CPU 3Gb DDR2 @800Mhz MSI N550GTX-Ti 1Gb GDDR5 Graphics Card 500Gb Sata II Harddrive 17Inch Dell LCD Monitor Offical Xbox 360 Force feed Back Steering Wheel & Pedals Please remember that the game is still in the early beta stages and you might see or hear problems in this video, the beta testers are finding as many problems with the game as they can, and the dedicated SCS team are working very long hours trying to fix them. For More Information on ETS2 And Other Games …