Any Problems? Message Me At : www.youtube.com ** Programs Used In This Video : – MCP 5.6 – Eclipse For Java Developers ———–Please Check Out———– www.youtube.com
This video will show you how to make a Minecraft Server. This has been tested on Minecraft 1.0.0 and 1.1 READ THE DESCRIPTION! Q & A Below. ————————————————————————————————————— Minecraft_server.jar: www.minecraft.net Code (For ‘Start.command’): www.minecraftwiki.net Hamachi (Download ‘Unmanaged’ Version): secure.logmein.com Code (Type into Terminal): chmod a+x (remember the space at the end), also do not copy and paste it into terminal, just type it yourself, or it won’t work. Pre-Made Folder (1.1): www.mediafire.com Note* The Pre-made folder only includes server files, it does not include the actual game or any paid software, you will have to buy them from Mojang / Minecraft. ————————————————————————————————————— Q & A: Q.) My friend can’t join. _____A.) Watch my video on it: www.youtube.com Q.) It says ‘outdated server’. _____A #1.) I made a video on how to update the server: www.youtube.com _____A #2.) Make sure you are running the latest version of minecraft, you can do that by checking ‘force update’ before you log in. Then go back to minecraft.net and re-download to ‘minecraft_server.jar’. Q.) How do I put mods in the server? _____A.) Technically, this type of server does not support mods, but a CraftBukkit server can. I recently made a video on how to make one, check it out: www.youtube.com Q.) Do I need hamachi …
This video is for educational purposes only. We do not own any of the software or rights shown in this video. READ OF QUESTIONS / PROBLEMS AND FIXES! Instructions / Links / Downloads / Q&A: 1) Go to: www.Minecraft.Net 2) Create and account and login. 3) Go to mineshafter.appspot.com 4) Login with your E-mail. 5) Hover over your account name and click ‘Settings’ 6) Click ‘change’ and enter your MineCraft Username and Password in the correct boxes. 7) Download the Proxy Client at goo.gl 8) Run the Proxy Cliend and Login with your New Account! Questions & Answers: Q: When I download the ‘Proxy.jar’ file it shows as a winrar file. How do I fix it? A: Change the default program to java. Q: When I start Minecraft It says: “Minecraft has run out of memory”. How do I fix it? A: This means your computer is running low on RAM / Memory. You can fix it by closing other applications, restarting your computer or increasing your RAM. Q: When I log on it says: “Fail to Verify Username”… What do I do? A: After the 1.0.0 release you can only use servers from this list: mineshafter.appspot.com Q: When I type in my Username & Password I get “Invalid Credentials”, how do I fix it? A: You have typed your Username or Password incorrectly. Create a new Minecraft account and Try again. Q: When I double click the proxy nothing happens or a small black box appears. How do I fix it? A: Make sure your Java is FULLY updated and make sure is is selected as the defualt program for the …
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www.lockergnome.com – Providing onsite technical support can be very challenging. Not only are you responsible for investigating and solving issues with a customer’s computer and/or network, but you have the added burden of dealing with their additional needs. Questions about usage habits, using various pieces of software, and other miscellaneous topics tend to stream out during a support call. So, how do you keep your time on site down without sacrificing the quality of your service? You could make up an excuse that you need parts and make an appointment for a later date, or you could pack a virtual toolbox of software that can help you get the job done right. Here are some suggestions we came up with thanks to the help of Gnomie Phil Horton. You can watch the entire live TLDR episode here: youtu.be www.gnomies.com http profiles.google.com twitter.com www.facebook.com